Sunday, 30 August 2015

If It’s All About God And None of Me: What About Me? (part 2/2)

Sharing God's grace to walk in fullness of identity and power

If It’s All About God And None of Me: What About Me? (part 2/2)

Welcome back! Have you picked up your welcome gift yet?

In the last post we concluded that the popular notion that says “it’s all about God and none of me” is actually a lie.

Today, I’ll continue to share some thoughts on the question: If the Christian life is all of God and none of me, what about me now? If I no longer live, but Christ lives in me what about my desires, my goals, my ambitions?

Here’s the Video in which you get the full episode in one sitting: 

Questions to consider

Some might say, “I still believe it’s all about God.” I agree. It is all about Him. I mean, He is the Creator, we are the created.

For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things (Rom. 11:36).

God is the initiator of all things therefore everything finds its relevance only in Him. However, the other side of the coin is that you’ve become like Him in spirit and that you are a partaker of His divine nature (2 Peter 1:4)!

Therefore, everything that’s true about His nature is true about your nature – your spiritual self. Talking about being valuable, awesome and beautiful!

If It’s All About God And None of Me What About Me2

If you struggle with the idea that it’s not just all about God but also all about you, here are some questions to consider.

Is it not about you?

  • What if you are made one with God? (1 Cor. 6:17)
  • What if you are a joint-heir with Christ? (Rom 8:17)
  • What if you are a son of God? (Gal. 3:26)
  • What if you are identical to Jesus? (1 John 4:17)
  • What if you are a heir of all that is God’s? (Gal. 4:1 )
  • What if you are seated on a throne with Christ? (Eph. 2:6)
  • What if you are a king? (Rev. 1:6)
  • What if you are a lord? (1 Tim. 6:15)
  • What if you are a priest? (Rev. 5:10)
  • What if you are crowned with glory, honor and power for all eternity? (Heb 2:7)

Is it really not about you?

  • What if you are a partaker of His divine nature? (2 Peter 1:4)
  • What if you are a god – with a little ‘g’? (Ps. 82:6John 10:34)
  • What if you are on equal standing with the Father as Jesus is? (1 John 4:17)
  • What if you are not only justified, but also glorified? (Rom. 8:30)
  • What if you are a son of glory? (John 17:22)
  • What if you are a ruler on this earth? (Gen. 1:28)
  • What if you are robed with the same glory as Jesus is? (John 17:24)
  • What if you are anointed with the same anointing as Jesus is? (1 John 2:20,27)
  • What if you will be forever ruling the earth with Jesus in this age and the next? (Gen. 1:28)

How can we say, “It’s all of God and none of me?”

In God’s economy it’s all of Him ánd all of me.

You’re caught up in an eternal uninterrupted union and friendship with your Bridegroom. You are His object of love!

To say, “it’s all about God and not about me” is a religious cliche and an insult to Jesus because you are identical to Christ in spirit which empowers you to exercise dominion on earth, now and forever.

Let’s celebrate the fact that it’s all about us in the Father’s eyes and be recipients of His affection and enjoyment towards us.

His face is turned towards you. He’s smiling upon you. He’s always fully pleased with you apart from your works.

Humility or pride?

I can hear someone say, “But brother, this idea that it’s also about us will make people prideful as it will feed their ego.”

Well, it actually has the opposite effect.

Humility is agreeing with what God has said about you; it is having an accurate estimation of who you are.

It is perfect humility to declare about yourself what the Father has said about you. For me to say, “it’s all of God and all of me” is perfect humility because that is what He says about me.

Thinking less of your self is a false counterpart of true humility. It is false humility when you say things like, “I’m worthless, I’m not that important, it’s really not about me but all about God…” That kind of thinking is false humility knocking at your door.

But aren’t we admonished to not think of ourselves more highly than we ought, but rather to think of ourselves with sober judgment (Rom. 12:3)?

Yes, but before you think to highly or yourself, you must first realize how high you’ve been seated (Eph. 1:20-23), how great the One is who lives in you (Col. 1:26-273:3), and the fact that you are the image of God!

Do you think that you’ve even started to scratch the surface of your unparalleled identity and inheritance? Don’t think so. Rather, we have the tendency to esteem ourselves lower than God esteems us, which is to degrade the Christ-identity in us.

Natural self

Ok, but what about our natural self? Where do my dreams, talents, ambitions and goals fit into the picture?

Living your live to the fullest is when you’re allowing Christ to express His life through you, taking full advantage of your own unique natural talents, interests, strengths and ambitions.

It’s like the sun shining through a stain glassed window. The sun is doing all the shining, but the beautiful colors being projected on the other side are because of the unique, amazing design of the window.

If It’s All About God And None of Me What About Me4

Here’s what it means. The sun is the life of Christ. Your natural self (soul and body) is the window. The unique design in the glass represent your personality, gifts, dreams, desires, goals and ambitions. The beautiful colors is what you create and accomplish in your life.

Because God gave you specific talents, interests, dreams, desires, strengths, likes, dislikes, skills, etc., He didn’t intend for you to ignore them, leave them unused or sacrifice them on the altar. No not at all! He wants you to fully embrace your natural self in the context of your spiritual self.

He wants you to pursue your God-given dreams and desires in order to enjoy what you absolutely love to do.

Your dreams and desires are not to be put to death. Those are things that Jesus put in you. Sure, keep them surrendered to Him just as your very life is no longer your own (1 John 4:17Gal. 2:202 Cor. 5:16). But please, feel the freedom to make tons of cash, have an amazing family, get a great job, serve the poor, play sports, write books, go to parties, and enjoy your life Go, live life and live it to the fullest! – Blaise Foret  

In other words, do what you want to do as you continue to be led by the Spirit.

Empowered by Him, you create, plan, work, accomplish things to be a blessing to others. As you allow Christ to animate your actions it is your personality, physical body, your will and mind that display a unique and astonishing set of colors to the world that we haven’t seen before.

Meanwhile, let others admire your giftedness and your unique expression of your design.

Gods first concern is your happiness and fulfillment. His desire is to give you abundant life. His gifts are to enhance your life and bring you the most joy possible….If you have joy and contentment, the radiance of Christ will shine through you, and His presence and existence will speak for itself. He gets glory and is happy when you are free and at liberty. Your gifts were given for this purpose….His kingdom is not about Him; it’s about you, and it does not benefit Him one iota until He sees that you are receiving that fulfillment. Sadly, we have been raised to expect Gods will and plans for our lives to be something we will naturally hate. For the most part, we can’t conceive of a God who would want us to do the things our heart desire. We’ve been trained to believe that God gets a kick out of calling us in the opposite direction of where we want to go, as though it’s always a test to see if we will serve Him over the things we desire. Love simply does not think this way. It doesn’t look to be served. Love serves, remember? – Darin Hufford

God didn’t intend for you to fit into a cookie cutter mold of being a “good Christian.” Not one of us is the same.

Being like the glass stain window we ought be radiating a mix of beautiful, unique colors that one one else is able to reproduce, copy or imitate. Why? Because there is none like you – both spiritually and naturally speaking.

Just like how a husband and wife become one through marriage but are still two distinct individuals with their own unique traits, so you have become one with Jesus through a covenant relationship but you still have your own distinct personality, skills, ambitions and unique traits.

Even though you are married to Jesus, you are still your own distinct unique person.

In fact, your oneness with Jesus Christ frees you up to not be a cookie cutter person (remember the light shining through the glass stain window).

You are meant to take full advantage of your desires, dreams, ambitions and passions from the place of being animated and empowered by Christ’s life.

It’s from a place of restful trust that you produce lasting fruit and can enjoy life to the fullest.

So go out and don’t try to be like the guy next door. Just start working where your desires and talents are and go from there. You’ll be amazedhow you will change the world by doing what you like to do…and…we will be amazed at your unequaled distinctiveness.

Be different! Because you are.

All of creation longs to know you…with all of your distinctiveness.

Every quirk or peculiarity about you is wonderful.





Again, take a couple of minutes, and just listen to Jesus singing to you. “There is none like you. No one else can touch My heart like you do I have searched for all eternity long and found there is none like you.”

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If It’s All About God And None of Me: What About Me? (part 1/2)

If It’s All About God And None of Me: What About Me? (part 1/2)

Welcome back! Have you picked up your welcome gift yet?

Have you ever wondered “If the Christian life is all of God and none of me, what about me now? If I no longer live, but Christ lives in me what about my desires, my goals, and my ambitions?

If It’s All About God And None of Me What About Me

Someone recently told me, “It seems if our identity is now completely in Jesus it makes me feel that I am living someone else’s life. Now, amazing and glorious as Jesus is, I want to have and live my own life.”

Have you ever felt that way too?

How can we rime this seemingly contradiction between Christ being your life and identity, yet you having certain ambitions and wanting to live your life to the fullest. And is it true that it’s all about God and none of me?

Spiritual and natural self

To get clarity it’s helpful to make a distinction between our spiritual self and natural self.

Before we talk about our natural self, first some thoughts on our spiritual self.

Let’s say our spirit man is ourspiritual self and our soul and body make up our natural self.

Your spiritual self determines your true identity. Remember, you are a spirit being, who has a soul and lives in a body.

Since Christ resides in your spiritual self, He defines who you really are. That is why 1 John 4:17 says “as Christ is, so are you.” Everything that is true about Christ is true about you.

Your spiritual identity is completely found in Jesus.

Is it all about God and none of me?

Someone who’s been going to church for a while usually has been made painfully aware that it’s all about God and none of us.

Left confused we wonder “But, what about me?

  • Do I not matter in God’s economy?
  • Should I die daily?
  • Must I decrease so He can increase?
  • Must I sacrifice my dreams and desires on the altar to follow Jesus?”

The answer to all these questions is: NO! (These statements are usually taken out of context and don’t mean what we often think they mean).

However, these are logical questions that stem from an ugly and misguided belief.

And that’s the religious lie that says the Christian life is “all about God and none of me.”

When you refer to that old-selfish-self than indeed it’s not about me. But guess what? God emptied heaven, emptied Himself, to enter my human existence and ever since it has been all about me too!

God invested everything He is, everything He has, to be in you, as you. By grace, you are brought into a perfect uninterupted union with your Maker. His life has become your life. His nature has become your nature.

Don’t you think that perhaps it is all about you too?

Let me tell you a ‘secret.’ The truth is that from God’s perspective IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU!

Now obviously when you’re in love it’s always about the other person. And so for God it is all about you, but for you it’s all about Him.

All of Him And All of Me

Because you’ve come into union with God through Jesus Christ it is all of Him ánd all of me (1 Cor. 6:17)!

Christ is not just in your life, but instead it is Christ as your life that defines your identity (Col. 3:3-4).

In Him we live, move and exist (Acts 17:28).

Christ reveals that there is no place in the universe where God would rather be; His fullness physically resides in Christ.

Jesus proves that human life is tailor-made for God. Jesus Christ mirrors our completeness; He is “I am” in us. (Col. 2:9-10, The Mirror)

So it is all of Him in us, but alsoall of us in Him due to our uninterrupted union with our Maker. Your Christian life is not all of Him and none of me. This is a tricky lie that can lead to passivity, confusion and despair.

Some songs aren’t resembling truth but rather empower lies. Take the song that goes, “It’s all about You, Jesus. And all this is for You. For Your glory and your fame. It’s not about me.”

Yes, we know Jesus is the focal point of history and our lives, but to say “it’s not about me” is an insult to the work and Person of Jesus who brought us into a glorious union with the Father.

If It’s All About God And None of Me What About Me1

Instead of singing language of unbelief let’s sing faith-filled words by agreeing with our Father who says to you, “My beloved, it’s all about ME ánd all about YOU. We exist together in a seamless oneness. Let no one separate what I have joined together.”

There is none like you!

By the way, did you know Jesus sings love songs over you? Do you find it strange to think He is singing over you?

For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs” (Zeph. 3:17).

Have you ever sung, “There is none Like You…I could search for all eternity long and find, there is none like You?” Are you ready for an astonishing reality? While you are singing this to Him, He actually sings the same lyrics back to you! Because this is what He thinks about you too. The difference, however is that where we stop singing to Jesus and get on with other things, He never stops singing over us (Heb. 2:12).

Now close your eyes for a moment and listen. Just listen to Jesus singing to you. Telling you that there is none like you. And He has actually searched for all eternity long, found you, and can honestly say there is none other like you!

You were birthed out of Him, a holy bride, for a Bridegroom.

There are not enough eloquent words in all the languages of the world to describe the divine love story between Jesus and you.

You are His companion, His image bearer, His Bride. Yes, the one who is identical and compatible to Him.

You are indescribable irresistible and breathtaking to your Father.

There is none like you. Yes, you!

In the next post more on the natural self to bring this idea full circle. Clickhere to go to part 2.


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Monday, 24 August 2015

What Keeps Christians Weak and Unproductive?

If you were the devil and you wanted to keep Christians barren, sick and ineffective, there is one simple thing that you could do: you would hide or distort the revelation that we have been totally and eternally forgiven.

Show me any Christian who is making a mark for God today, and I’ll show you someone who knows they have been forgiven. Complete and unconditional forgiveness is the foundation of our faith. It is what separates Christianity from all the man-made religions of the world. Yet many sincere believers do not know for sure whether they are forgiven. And if you’re not sure about that, you won’t know for certain whether God wants to heal the sick, raise the dead and drive out demons.

When I started this blog I wrote quite a lot about forgiveness and how it’s a gift that can never be earned. At that time I received many comments from sincere believers who objected to what I had to say about confessing sins. Confession seems to be a touchy subject. By confession, I mean reviewing your sins and shortcomings. I don’t want to belittle confession but I do want to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy confession. If talking and being open about things brings life to you, then do it. But – and this is a big but – if you think confessing sins is a prerequisite to receiving forgiveness, then you are in danger of setting aside the grace of God.

As we will see in this quick study, confessing-to-be-forgiven is one of the most diabolical lies that has ever been taught. It is also one of the most effective – just look at what it has done to us. Instead of discipling nations we’re cloistered in small groups trying to manage each other’s sin. Instead of exercising authority over sin and sickness, we’re enslaving ourselves with the yoke of law. Instead of drawing from the well of salvation with joy and telling others the good news, we’re weeping at the altar like a bad advertisement.

I want to draw some very clear lines in the sand, so in this short series I will outline 12 reasons why believers never, ever, have to confess their sins to be forgiven. If it appears that I’m preaching the negative, it is only to highlight the many positive things that the Bible says about your forgiveness – things that we can be certain about. I’m going to travel fast and light across a lot of ground. I will list scriptures but leave you to study them at your leisure. My hope is that you will come to a firm conviction about your forgiven-ness, that you will thank God for what He has done and live free. Then I hope you will go and tell others the good news of God’s grace. Everyone needs the gift of forgiveness.

Without further ado, here are the first three reasons why we don’t have to confess our sins to be forgiven:

1.    It’s not in the Bible

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 Jn 1:9)

This is the only verse in the Bible where our confession is connected with His forgiveness. The Greek word for confess is homologeo which means to acknowledge, concede or agree with. In this passage John is writing to unbelievers who were deceived because they thought they were without sin (see v.8). How do I know that John is talking to unbelievers and not Christians? Because he is addressing people who are walking in darkness (v.6), who need to be purified from all unrighteousness (v.9) and who, by insisting that they have never sinned, are making God out to be a liar (v.10).

What message does John have for sinners who don’t think they’re sinners? “Acknowledge your sinful state, turn to God and receive His gift of forgiveness.” There’s only one thing that stops a sinner from receiving God’s grace and that’s unbelief. If you don’t see your need for forgiveness, you are well and truly lost. You may claim to know God but He doesn’t know you. There’s only one way to the Father and that’s through Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross. God made provision for your redemption and forgiveness at the cross, but you will never see it unless you acknowledge (ie: confess) your need for a Savior.

And what message does John have for those of us who have already turned to Jesus? Do we need to confess too? We already have! Remember, confession means agreeing with God. When you first surrendered to the Lord, you might have prayed “thank you for forgiving me.” That’s  confession. You were acknowledging that you had a sin problem and in need of God’s forgiveness. In the New Testament people sometimes confessed their sins when they were baptized (Mt 3:6). How many times do you need to be baptized before you are baptized? Just once. How many times do you need to say yes to God before you are in agreement with God? Just once. And how many times do you need to receive God’s free gift of forgiveness before you have received it? Just once. (And for those of you interested in Greek verb tenses, see my note in the comments below.)

2.    You were forgiven 2000 years ago

“When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; He has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.” (Col 2:13-14)

We all need to forgive and be forgiven, but when it comes to sin, your forgiven-ness is a done deal. Jesus forgave all your sins at the cross long before you were born, long before you did anything. Your performance never came into it. I said above that 1 John 1 was written for unbelievers who don’t see their need for forgiveness. In the second chapter John writes for the saints, and what does he tell them? “Your sins have been forgiven on account of His name” (1 Jn 2:12). If your sins have already been forgiven, what are you confessing for?

3.    You were forgiven through His blood

Under the old covenant law, there could be no forgiveness without the shedding of blood (Heb 9:22). What the law prefigured, Christ fulfilled. At the Last Supper Jesus explained the basis of our forgiveness:

“This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Mat 26:28)

Note the absence of any qualifiers. Jesus did not say, “…provided they confess first.” It’s His blood from start to finish. 1 John 1 may have given you the impression that sinners are only forgiven when they confess. But John makes it clear that it is not our confession but “the blood of Jesus Christ (that) cleanses us from all sin” (1 Jn 1:7). So why confess at all? Remember, Biblical confession is not listing everything that’s wrong with you. True confession is a positive response to something that God has already done. It is verbalizing faith. It is saying “thank you Jesus for your blood that was poured out for my forgiveness. Because of You, I am forgiven!”

Never forget that you are forgiven

What is the number one reason why Christians are barren and ineffective in their knowledge of the Lord Jesus? According to 2 Peter 1:9, it is forgetting that we have been cleansed from our old sins. To keep the church weak and impotent, the enemy only needs to get us to forget our forgiven-ness. Indeed, forgiveness is easy to forget when we sin. And that’s why it is important to confess the word of God over ourselves. So the next time you stumble, don’t get introspective but put your faith into action. Look at yourself in the mirror and declare with confidence that you have been forgiven by the blood of the Lamb!video_confession

In Part II of this study we will look at three more promises about forgiveness and three more reasons why Christians don’t need to confess their sins to receive them.

Paul Ellis