It's Not What Would Jesus Do?
If we are to base our Christian walk upon, What Would Jesus Do?, in any given situation, we would each be heading for a nervous breakdown and completely missing the whole point of what this Christian life really means.
The only person Who could and can keep the Christian life, is Christ alone!
The opposite is also true of each one of us.
We are the only ones who can live our lives, as God designed them to be, IN HIM!!!
And He has chosen to live His life now through a miriad of believers personally, in our midst.
So subsequently, we are to live our true lives and be our true selves, in and through Him!!!
If we find ourselves looking to His example of living His life in the Gospels.
The problem with this, is that Jesus ministered as one under the Old Covenant law of Moses.
And although Jesus was able to keep the whole law of God, He never expected the Jewish people, let alone the Gentiles to even keep one jot or tittle of the law, let alone the whole law.
There were those, the Pharisees and Saducees, who prided themselves in keeping and enforcing the law of Moses, yet these, Jesus; instead of honouring at least their effort, called them white washed tombs and blind guides leading the blind.
Although Jesus ministered in the love of God, this love as we see also has in it God's righteous indignation; not only in His words of truth spoken to those blind guides, but also in the actions He took on occasions such as when He cast out the religious money changers from the temple.
It's not WWJD?
It's what has He already Done ???
And for that matter;
Where is He now ???
He is not a Solitary figure walking by the Sea of Galilee.
He is not walking on the road to Emmaus with the believers.
He is not still on the cross!!!
Is He not risen from the dead and seated at the right hand of the Father???
Does He not now also dwell in hearts made with flesh, by His Spirit, which He has so freely bestowed upon all of us???
Didn't Jesus tell His disciples, that it was much better, that He leave them, otherwise He could not send the Holy Spirit of promise to all those that would believe on His name!
Did not Jesus speak to the Father about making us one together with them, just as they too now, are one with us in love!!
Notice that this side of the cross; in the letters of Paul, Peter, James, Jude and John; there is no great coverage of the time that Jesus walked the earth.
We do not find extensive exegesis of lessons taught and commandments given by Jesus, while here in His earthly walk.
Their focus is on the reality of Christ's death and resurrection and the finished work therein, and in the new creation man.
They show forth the work of God in the New Covenant of grace and the abolishing of the law of Moses, through which there is the establishing of the fulfilment of those better promises of the revelation of the new dwelling place of God in the hearts of those who believe.
When Jesus spoke of following Him, of denying ourselves and taking up our cross; like the wheat seed that falls into the ground and dies to bring forth much more fruit: He was not talking of our following His earthly example of keeping the law of Moses.
He was talking of His and our spiritual deaths.
Of our dying in and with Him.
Of our dying to the old Adamic nature, our old unregenerate fallen nature in and with Him, so that we, with Him may be raised to newness of life and spirit.
That He being made one spirit with us in our death, that we may be made one spirit with the living God in Christ Jesus, by being made the very righteousness of God in and through Him; by becoming partakers of His divine resurrected nature, thus having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
Have we forgotten that this so great a salvation was and is God's love gift to us, that we as partakers of Adam's fallen nature could not save ourselves through dead works.
That we needed a redeemer, someone who could deal with this internal sin problem in the spiritual realm once and for all.
Someone who could at the same time take us out of the wild olive tree and graft us into the place of completeness, wholeness and soundness in every area of our lives.
A place in which it would be impossible to ever again be removed.
This is the place, in the beloved of God, as His beloved, that we find ourselves hidden, alive and ruling and reigning in life, in God, as God, in love.
Not that we are God, but our lives are hidden with Jesus Christ, as one spirit, as part of the Godhead in the Father.
That then, He may begin to live His life as us, in us, through us and we as Him, in and through us.
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