Sunday, 4 October 2015

One Spirit One Heart

We are one in and by nature with the Triune God so that we could flow as one spirit one mind in one unity.

“But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.”
1 Corinthians 6:17 KJV

“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”
2 Peter 1:4 KJV

“Trinity is the most comprehensive and integrative framework that we have for understanding and participating in the Christian life.”
Eugene Peterson

“The doctrine of the Trinity is ultimately a practical doctrine with radical consequences for the Christian life.”
Catherine LaCunga

"The triune God stands at the beginning and at the end of the Christian pilgrimage and, therefore, at the center of Christian faith.”
Miroslav Volf 

"The ultimate basis for our understanding of the church lies in its relationship to the nature of the triune God Himself.” 
Stanley Grenz

"The oneness of God is not the oneness of a distinct, self-contained individual; it is the unity of a community of persons who love each other and live together in harmony … They are what they are only in relationship with one another. Each only exists in this relationship and would not exist apart from it. Father, Son and Holy Spirit live only in and with and through each other, eternally united in, mutual love and shared purposes ... There is no solitary person separated from the others, no above and below; no first, second, third in importance; no ruling and controlling and being ruled and controlled; no position of privilege to be maintained over against others; no question of conflict concerning who is in charge; no possible rivalry or competition between competing individuals; no need to assert independence and authority of one at the expense of the others. Now there is only the fellowship and community of equals who share all that they are and have in their communion with each other, living with and for the others in mutual openness, self-giving love, and support; each free not from but for the others. That is how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are related in the inner circle of the Godhead." Professor Shirley Guthrie

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