Saturday, 19 December 2015

A Very Merry Christmas To All. The True Christmas Story!

A Very Merry Christmas To All.
The True Christmas Story!

This is my love gift to you.

( Or, if I invited you to my house for Christmas and you refused to come; when for some reason at another time you had to come, I had been planning because of your previous rejection of my invitation; a torture chamber in the back yard. that once you came I was going to put you into and never let you out.....
This is the same story we tell little children, Saint and sinner alike and expect people with minds given to think to accept: just saying!

Perhaps there is a place of remedial punishment, towards repentance, a change of mind, but the idea or doctrine, because if you look into it thoroughly, of a literal burning hell for eternity is not even scriptural or conducive with the love or purpose of a redeemer or of salvation being a free gift and not according to merit or works good or bad. Some sites for further study if you like.
But in the end it needs to be revelation through Holy Spirit and the word of God.
And it comes first through that hope in all, until God gives us His faith to bring substance.
Of coarse in any study, some will be correct in some areas and questionable in others.
Take the meat or substance and spit out the bones.
If we look to the word of God, not tradition and Holy Spirit to give us clarity and understanding we cannot help but be brought into a place of becoming more awed by the love and grace of our God and more amazed at how much tradition and the agendas of fallen man have corrupted not only God's word, but have presented to not only the church but to the world a God of their own invention Who' s character, intent, double mindedness and love has been a major stumbling block, that have caused many to live a life far less effective, joyful and at rest than only our Father God can and has already achieved for us not only in the here and now but on into His blessed hope beyond the grave.
Let us not fight for something that even in our hearts and the hearts of all people especially little children, never did sit right and like the noble Bereans, who were commended for their searching out of all things, let us not leave these things unchallenged.
The prodigal son, the lost coin and lost sheep, loving our enemies, seventy times seven, if shown to us as the Father heart of God and as His very nature, love, Who never changes, in Whom is no shadow of turning, Who is the same yesterday, today and forever and Who cannot lie: can these things be reconciled together in this great love and rescue story.
Everything else in this world may fail, but God's love never fails and until that lost sheep is found and that prodigal returns the Father's heart will never be satisfied or at rest.

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